The Path

“We just arrived,” say the fishermen

“It’s a Siberian huskie,” he says.

“They become cold easily,” she says

Both dogs are wearing colorful sweaters.

Day’s radiance lifts my feet

I meet them in my walk 

The same path every morning whenever I can

As if I’m trying remember each column of trees,

Their abundant leaves and shades.


I often think of Camino de Compostela.

I hold with interest Appalachian Trail.

I hear the sounds of hot air balloons overhead

I better get going

Thoughts can escape

I can’t separate appearances and their contents

The dogs, fishermen, river and its tides

One doesn’t have to wonder where poems come from. 


The walk brings life to life.




Time in the woods


A time of windy days, of falling leaves

Trees of fertile, intricate roots, anchored

Rarely do we enter the woods

As if we are afraid bears or snakes may cross our path

Thursday afternoon or any day,

Any ordinary day, is a day of sauntering,

Luminous time of spending an afternoon

Without concern of looking backwards

Not to imagine but to experience kindness of time passing,

To experience ourselves vulnerable and alone sheltered in the woods,

I like to think distant birds return because of me, a selfish notion of enticement,

Dreams die not because of unimportance

Though lustrous, their solace is celebrated no more

If you are struggling just to survive, are you missing much of life?

I encounter the homeless and heard of refugees

They crowd the margins, tiptoeing the edge of the cliffs,

The deep sea below and jagged rocks.

Each morning they look for a clean place

to be alone.

Life of abundance, life of scarcity, life of loss

And the liminal spaces between

What are the life’s possibilities and questions?

Intense experiences challenge the boundaries.

Solirude. Tumult. Arrested time.

The book I’m reading, page 37, asks,

“What’s the measure of your worth?”

Priceless, I shouted.

Little miracles

It’s the stillness that we observe

Because we feel intolerance of waiting

We bounce like a ball, one silliness to another

Not unlike a series of romantic interludes


While rafting in white waters

We can be swept from one swirl to another

Racing the heart perilously close to scare

Before finding a sweet flow of comfort.


We fall silent once more

Attend to the present

Embracing the moment

We arrive at reality.


We mistake our will, it’s power, as savior to attainment

Once ignorant we discover achievement, knowledge

We forget limits to our powerful striving

Little miracles carry us over the last hurdle.


Every step carries a gift of gratitude

Every step an act of praise

Where all our bewilderment come from

Where we bring our final homage.




Birds in flight

Last week Mrs. Abstract and I visited Gearhart, a small village next to Seaside, Oregon with some friends one of which was celebrating her 80th birthday. We occupied a house situated  on the bank of an estuary. Every morning I woke up early to glimpse the sunrise,  stayed all day watching the high tide comes to the estuary. In the afternoon we watched the sunset.

There were many birds that came ove to the shallow pond left by the tide. It was a relaxed five days with clear and temperate weather. We told stories while sipping wines and eating home cooked meals.





Calamities, distant or vague

Bring tremors to the mind

Where do you want to be

When the sun goes down?


Can you be anywhere,

Ubiquitous like the sun?

But the mind though untrammeled

Can not occupy all spaces.


A fisherman bruised by absence of fish

Will pursue with ferocity

Any hints of trout presence

In whatever weather or distance.


He will not be deceived by color

Or pitch of whirling waters

Or exasperated by any sinking thought

The oars are focused, desire is steeled.


Does begin the intellectual incarnation

A reverence for beauty and truth

The universe forever expanding

I’m feverishly reaching for your hand.





46EFE952-ED2C-4C9E-A4F7-5C7892462FE6The trees color my morning

My morning walk expands my day

Mixing two colors brings a third

Juxtaposition of two words or phrases

Brings a fresh thought

A ladder standing next to an empty garden

Or goats knocking on my door

A glass of scotch or a glass wine

How do you start

To add meaning to your day?

What’s the meaning of starting your day?

