One Day

One day I have to walk wearing only one shoe

My hand holds the other one

A mishap that happens so quickly

I sway with bending motions

as if I’m falling,

my awkwardness will attract attention,

looks, stares, surprised and scared

not a dereliction or alchemical mistakes.

It seems I lost my balance

I become a wanderer without destination

or I become simply an experiment in transformation:

a moving art of anguish

or the art of vigilance and balance

yin yang movements of shoulders, legs, and feet

few body contortions, grimaces

when measures are unequal

or a disruption like eating corn on the cobb

with two or three teeth missing.

People pass politely offering help

Others offer me many faces

I smile, say thank you,

continue my walk until I reach a park bench.

I sit, start to nurse my painful foot

and fix my broken shoe

distance between relief and agony narrows 

beginning of comfort.

I return to my memory

the joy of walking in the woods again,

a sudden illumination:

I can talk to the trees again.

The birds fly soundless with widely spread wings.

Spring begins today.

If there is a great accomplishment today

it is not because spring begins today

or none of my ankles are broken

or because I remember memory of spring,

it’s because a saint is smiling:

“Patience bears all things”.

note: The book I’m reading: Checkout 19 by Claire-Louise Bennett

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